CFA Charterholder. Experience as an investment banker and venture in London (Capital Partners Group), working in Emer... see more

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CFA Charterholder. Experience as an investment banker and venture in London (Capital Partners Group), working in Emer... see more
Fintech Ecosystem Interested In
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A good friend and former client in London is launching his second fund, a $10 million seed fund in the UK, Europe & US to invest in Tech-Driven Finance startups leveraging the Founder’s Fintech domain. In his first fund, he got a track record of 10x TVPI.
He is an outstanding specialist in go-to-market strategies for finance products and a hands-on guy, so he puts himself on the battlefield to boost portfolio cos results.
The focus will be on easy-to-deploy tech in different cross-sections of the finance industry.
$3m is already committed, let me know if you want to know more and I am happy to make the introductions here.
Best, V Jul 15, 2024
He is an outstanding specialist in go-to-market strategies for finance products and a hands-on guy, so he puts himself on the battlefield to boost portfolio cos results.
The focus will be on easy-to-deploy tech in different cross-sections of the finance industry.
$3m is already committed, let me know if you want to know more and I am happy to make the introductions here.
Best, V Jul 15, 2024

Attending the Meet & Greet of Fintech Connector today
Feb 12, 2024

Estamos promoviendo en España el Investment Readiness Program para empresas Iberoamericanas, de nuestro partner ParqueTec.
Dirigido a empresas tecnológicas en crecimiento que buscan capital para escalar; Ofrece herramientas, conocimientos y conexiones con inversores iberoamericanos.
El programa se centra en preparar a las empresas para la captación de fondos, incluyendo webinars, sesiones one to one, preparación de la documentación, Demo Day, y presentación a inversores.
Empresa de base tecnológica, legalmente constituida y con fines de lucro y tener hasta 5 años de constitución.El producto o servicio debe tener tracción (usuarios, aliados o clientes) o ya genera ingresos.Empresa lista para levantar capital desde US $200K hasta US $5M.Al menos un miembro del equipo fundador comprometido a atender todas las sesiones y listo para presentar su pitch a los inversionistas seleccionados.Con base en algún país de América Latina, España o Estados Unidos.
El programa tiene un coste de USD 555,00. que incluye la formación y la presentación ante los inversores.
Las startups interesadas, deben mandar su pitch y sus datos de contacto a: irp@boardio.es antes del 31 de Enero, que se llevará a cabo la selección Jan 29, 2024
Dirigido a empresas tecnológicas en crecimiento que buscan capital para escalar; Ofrece herramientas, conocimientos y conexiones con inversores iberoamericanos.
El programa se centra en preparar a las empresas para la captación de fondos, incluyendo webinars, sesiones one to one, preparación de la documentación, Demo Day, y presentación a inversores.
Empresa de base tecnológica, legalmente constituida y con fines de lucro y tener hasta 5 años de constitución.El producto o servicio debe tener tracción (usuarios, aliados o clientes) o ya genera ingresos.Empresa lista para levantar capital desde US $200K hasta US $5M.Al menos un miembro del equipo fundador comprometido a atender todas las sesiones y listo para presentar su pitch a los inversionistas seleccionados.Con base en algún país de América Latina, España o Estados Unidos.
El programa tiene un coste de USD 555,00. que incluye la formación y la presentación ante los inversores.
Las startups interesadas, deben mandar su pitch y sus datos de contacto a: irp@boardio.es antes del 31 de Enero, que se llevará a cabo la selección Jan 29, 2024

Glad to announce that I will be from 31st January in Medellín, Happy to connect with my fellow friends there. unlocklatam.com
Jan 18, 2024

Dear Friends,
It is an honor to share with the community of Fintech Connector my new project in Colombia.
I am going to be available to answer any query regarding the exciting Latin American market. Pl Dec 13, 2023
It is an honor to share with the community of Fintech Connector my new project in Colombia.
I am going to be available to answer any query regarding the exciting Latin American market. Pl Dec 13, 2023

Queridos amigos, el día 19 de Abril tenemos el placer de organizar el primer The Fintech Lunch en español para la comunidad iberoamericana. Si quieren participar son bienvenidos y solamente deben inscribirse en la siguiente página.
Si tienen algún problema escríbanme en privado con un email y me encargo de que os llegue el acceso.
#Latam #jobs #AngelInvestiment #Payments #Mexico #Argentina #Colombia #FintechEducation Apr 10, 2023
Si tienen algún problema escríbanme en privado con un email y me encargo de que os llegue el acceso.
#Latam #jobs #AngelInvestiment #Payments #Mexico #Argentina #Colombia #FintechEducation Apr 10, 2023

Many FinTech/bank partnerships are neither productive or successful. Some of these partnerships fail to focus on sustainable revenue generating opportunities. In this current environment, with a consolidation in the FinTech ecosystem, remaining focused to build while trimming costs is challenge.
The Walker Group, through the launch of The FinTech Virtual Lunch, continue to connect FinTechs to opportunities within the financial services industry. Our monthly events provide the basis to build valuable connections.
The program we follow is divided into two sections. The first part includes a host leading a discussion along a specific topic. The March event will focus around successful FinTech/bank partnerships. The second part is sharing our respective experiences, projects and opportunities in small breakout sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at our March 7th event. #event #fintech #environment #opportunities #financialservices
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-executive-fintech-virtual-lunch-tickets-537722070187 Feb 27, 2023
The Walker Group, through the launch of The FinTech Virtual Lunch, continue to connect FinTechs to opportunities within the financial services industry. Our monthly events provide the basis to build valuable connections.
The program we follow is divided into two sections. The first part includes a host leading a discussion along a specific topic. The March event will focus around successful FinTech/bank partnerships. The second part is sharing our respective experiences, projects and opportunities in small breakout sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at our March 7th event. #event #fintech #environment #opportunities #financialservices
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-executive-fintech-virtual-lunch-tickets-537722070187 Feb 27, 2023

we have now added our proprietary S&P500 Probability Index (SPI), this is a measure developed in-house (you will not find it anywhere else) The SPI measure allows us to predict when the markets (S&P500) are more probable to change direction or increase speed of its increase/decrease you will continue seeing in our Research pages (https://research.Capital-Partners.co.uk, and in this case this data is under the Markets button)
Aug 23, 2022
Aug 23, 2022

Happy to announce that our partner in Argentina, UTN (utnemprende.com) has reached an agreement with the University of Santa Cruz do Sul in Brazil (https://www.unisc.br/en/) to extend its Entrepreneurship program to the region. The future entrepreneurs of Santa Cruz will be enjoy as well the benefits of the UTN partnership with Capital Partners Group and network with the rest of our growing spider web.
Reach me out if you want to know more. Aug 20, 2022
Reach me out if you want to know more. Aug 20, 2022

eBottle is a provider of environmental solutions. It is working on the new edge design of packaging using bioplastics. Please let us know if you want to know more.
Jul 24, 2022
Jul 24, 2022

I'd like to share today our new presentation about our stock picking solution for Hedge Funds and other kind of institutional investors.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTlx2O-6pdvuTQlwpOxFcLxSDjgfAl4U7GER819FNTFwLfQoyKcQXy_zXx_QBQoeHI5NLgx7G_Rl665/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000&slide=id.p1 Jul 21, 2022
I'd like to share today our new presentation about our stock picking solution for Hedge Funds and other kind of institutional investors.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTlx2O-6pdvuTQlwpOxFcLxSDjgfAl4U7GER819FNTFwLfQoyKcQXy_zXx_QBQoeHI5NLgx7G_Rl665/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000&slide=id.p1 Jul 21, 2022

It is interesting to see the different revenue channels of VISA.
Let's understand how many data it is out there that could be used for commercial purposes but to help customers and it is buried.
Jul 12, 2022
Let's understand how many data it is out there that could be used for commercial purposes but to help customers and it is buried.
Jul 12, 2022