Hello all, is anyone here working on Fednow deployments? mainly Fednow with ERP integrations in the B2B space?
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Raj K.
May 29, 2023

Hello all, is anyone here working on Fednow deployments? mainly Fednow with ERP integrations in the B2B space?
At Photon Commerce, we are enabling corporates to easily convert pdf invoices into e-invoices and request for payment messages that can flow through FedNow as well as RTP. These can be initiated by the supplier/vendor or by the customer simply by using pdf invoices. If the B2B payment has detailed remittance data, then the pdf of that remittance detail can be used for AR straight through processing.
I can also share some info with you about the Business Payments Coalition interoperable B2B e-invoice and e-remittance exchange framework.