**TLDR hashtag#Ethereum hashtag#ETF is a REALLY bad idea whose object is to industrialise crypto bagholding**
There has been a great deal of chatter about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approving the Ethereum ETF just as they did previously for hashtag#Bitcoin.
Some have simply joined in the noise by posting commentary, some have been loudly pushing the agenda, too many have been cheering the news.
Do not.
This is nothing but an extension of the 'Number go UP!' cancer that has held back any real innovation for the last 10 years in this industry.
This is industrialising the process of finding bagholders for the dump that follows every pump.
This is the 'crypto' whales and the 'crypto bros' seeking to realise their true objective, not of replacing the existing financial system, but getting to socialise risk and privatise profit just like the banks did in 2008 and again in California last year.
**TLDR hashtag#Ethereum hashtag#ETF is a REALLY bad idea whose object is to industrialise crypto bagholding**
There has been a great deal of chatter about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approving the Ethereum ETF just as they did previously for hashtag#Bitcoin.
Some have simply joined in the noise by posting commentary, some have been loudly pushing the agenda, too many have been cheering the news.
Do not.
This is nothing but an extension of the 'Number go UP!' cancer that has held back any real innovation for the last 10 years in this industry.
This is industrialising the process of finding bagholders for the dump that follows every pump.
This is the 'crypto' whales and the 'crypto bros' seeking to realise their true objective, not of replacing the existing financial system, but getting to socialise risk and privatise profit just like the banks did in 2008 and again in California last year.
There has been a great deal of chatter about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approving the Ethereum ETF just as they did previously for hashtag#Bitcoin.
Some have simply joined in the noise by posting commentary, some have been loudly pushing the agenda, too many have been cheering the news.
Do not.
This is nothing but an extension of the 'Number go UP!' cancer that has held back any real innovation for the last 10 years in this industry.
This is industrialising the process of finding bagholders for the dump that follows every pump.
This is the 'crypto' whales and the 'crypto bros' seeking to realise their true objective, not of replacing the existing financial system, but getting to socialise risk and privatise profit just like the banks did in 2008 and again in California last year.
Greg C.
Jun 20, 2024 - 3:53PM
Armodio Luigi Corrado thank you, spot on.
Armodio Luigi C.
Jun 11, 2024 - 3:48PM
Greg Chew is on point, aside of BTC and all the crypto speculation, DLTs were meant to facilitate and enhance transparency on transactions and ownership for ALL market participants. cc Lauri Laakso
Angel L.
Jun 11, 2024 - 2:04PM
Let's get a conversation going. Curious to get the perspective of on Greg Chew's video from some of our crypto and blockchain experts in the comments James Gray Yamiz Bachkhaz Armodio Luigi Corrado Valentin Alekseev Jonathan Hakim John Patrick Mullin Ling Chang
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